Friday 2 September 2011

Guess who’s coming for dinner?

Hello world!

Although life’s been a little ho hum of late, mainly due to suffering from some pretty mind blowing migraines, a fresh stack utility bills and the arrival of an old friend- the chin pimple, I promise I won’t let it dampen my spirits.  
How can I? When I'm surrounded by this:
As some of you may remember, in my very first post I gave a rather unflattering view of my backyard. Given I didn’t actually post any photos, here’s the actual ‘view’:
Like I said earlier, dirt track masquerading as a backyard.

So why am I talking about my backyard exactly? Well what could be more interesting. No really there is a point to this. You see, since my home is the size of a shoe box , the multipurpose room that quadruples as my dining room (the others being lounge/study/ playroom) barely allows for any form of entertaining.  
Sure I’ve had friends around, and they’ve all been very gracious re the lack of facilities, but there's only so many times you can serve dinner on people’s laps. Nothing says elegance like balancing cutlery on your knees...
Anyway the Husband and I decided the cheapest way to remedy this odious form of entertaining is to extend the multipurpose room to include a conservatory/dining room. This dining space will hopefully cater to more than three people and possibly even allow us to serve food on flat surfaces. Here's hoping.
Anyway all this talk of dining rooms got me thinking about ultimate dinner party guests. It's not that I don’t consider my friends and family as fabulous company, but really if you could have anyone, and I mean ANYONE (dead or alive) who would they be?
Since I’ve had plenty of time to think about this, having been off sick from work this week, I think I’ve whittled the list down to my top five:
1.  Jane Austen - it is a truth universally acknowledged that a woman in possession of a dining room must be in want of guests!
2.  Michelangelo- having studied some of his work, while “helping” the Husband write  his architecture history essays, all I can say is “WOWZA”. Fancy a glimpse into the mind of a genius.  
3.  Mahatma Gandhi- my idea of courage and kindness personified.
4.  Elie Weisel- Holocaust survivor and author of one of the most powerful books I have ever read 'Night’.
5.  Oprah Winfrey- yeah yeah she’s an attention seeking bleep bleep. Each to their own eh? For me, she’s a phenomenal woman who’s overcome obstacles which I can’t even begin to fathom.  Plus I find her incredibly charismatic and I reckon she’d be a great raconteur.  

So over to you, ultimate dinner party guests? Until next time...Rose.
Bird Bargains (cheep cheep)

Bunting for Little Rose's room. Cotton on Kids.

Before, old jam jar. Now, lovely vase.

El Cheapo notebooks from Typo, 2 for $10! 

Guilty Pleasures

Ok I know I've been complaining about a lack of funds and I have no need for a firescreen, a wheel, or a vintage suitcase but that's why it's called guilty pleasures...
Cute sticker on the fire screen.

Cinema Update

Horrible Bosses: While I love Jason Bateman (from one of my all time fave TV shows, Arrested Development) who stars in the movie, I went in with really low expectations. I mean the drivel that’s been coming out of Hollywood by way of comedies literally makes me want to stick pins in my eyes. Ok not literally, but really the movies are soooo bad.
As such, I must admit I was pleasantly surprised by this one. There were some genuinely funny moments. The humour I found similar to The Hangover but way less sinister, despite the premise -three blokes trying to kill their horrible bosses! Great movie to see with the other half. 3/5!




  1. The flowers look lovely hun! Always a fan of using a jar for a vase! Can I please be invited to this dream dinner also? Sounds like a hoot! ;-) x

  2. Of course you're invited darling! I see you and Michelangelo getting along like a house on fire! Xx

  3. Fab sticker on the firescreen.

  4. Thanks Teak! looking fwd to the next post. xx Rose
