Wednesday 21 September 2011

Weekend treasures

Hello world!

I was planning on posting these pics with my (ir)regular weekly post, but in the wise words of The Pointer Sisters " I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it".

I went op shopping on the weekend and picked up this beautiful cream sweater. I think it's circa 1980's.  Even though it's not really appropriate for Canberra's current climate, which is previewing what's likely to be a dry and unbearable summer, it's coming with me on my USA/Europe winter holiday. So snuggly and delicous looking!

Also scored a delightful Windsor chair, which means my dressing area is finally complete. Hurrah!

Until next time,
Rose xx


  1. Great finds Rose, you need to come and share your finds on I op...

  2. Thanks Teak. I'm a big fan of the blog, so I think you're right. Time to stop being shy and join!
