Wednesday 5 September 2012

The final countdown

Hello world!

I have some very exciting news. Finally, FINALLY after three years of living in the Sahara Desert (or somewhere in Canberra) the Husband and I have started backyard renovations.

For me this is comparable to getting VIP tickets to The Oprah Reunion/ Favourite Things Show and never having to pluck my eyebrows ever again. For those who know me intimately, you know this is a BIG call.

Anyway before I get ahead of myself and completely lose the plot, basically 'the dirt track once masquerading as a backyard' is slowly looking less ‘dirt like’ and I guess more respectable ‘family home like’. See evidence:

Of course the sum total of my contribution to the renovation has been Googling “landscaping Canberra” and procuring said landscaper. I know it’s sooo hard right? but someone had to do it. So while the landscapers have been hard yakking (which to non-Aussies is an Australian colloquial term from um olden times meaning ‘hard work’) I’ve been hard knitting!

I’ve always wanted to knit, but having been hindered by a fear of fiddly activities I’ve generally avoided anything crafty. But my lovely colleague at work Miss B has taught me that just because something is fiddly doesn’t mean it’s not satisfying, bit like playing music I spose. I’m still totes at the beginner stage but Miss B tells me I’ll get the hang of it in no time. We’ll see eh?

That’s about it from me folks and before any of you get all “hold on there little missy, you promised in your last post that you’d put up photos of your dinner party”, I confess the dinner went so seamlessly that I completely forgot to pull out my camera. I mean fancy hosting/attending a social gathering and not putting up photos on Facebook/Blogger/Twitter within a nano-second. Some people are so weird...

Anyway all jokes aside it was super fun and I really did mean to share it with you but my camera died and I was too busy eating and hobnobbing. No photos this time but chook recipe up toms. Totes proms.

Lots of love for now. Until next time...Rose. xx


  1. Yeah for gardening renovations - and knotting (I must have missed your ball of wool at work)

  2. I plan on knitting tom Miss Teak, will show you my progress!
